Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Does Discipline Exist With Other Animals?

When we were at OPPD Arboretum we spotted some birds. They were tweeting like crazy! 

One was up in the grass.

The other 2 were down in the muddy water. Can you see the baby? It's camouflaged.

It looked as though this was a family of 3. The parents were telling their baby, "Get out of the mud! You're going to get stuck, and won't be able to fly away!"

Soon after I took these photos Isaak fell in the muddy water further downstream. Where the water was deeper. It's probably because I wasn't getting after him. I was too busy watching the birds discipline their young. 

Random: Isaak swears that he speaks bird. He tweets a tweeting noise. Birds actually tweet back.

Do you think other animals besides us discipline their young?


  1. How cute that he can tweet with them :)
    I believe they do discipline their young just as we do...

  2. I would think they do. They have to learn their behaviors somewhere, right?

  3. Yes I would think so too!

    Oh took me a while but I saw the young bird.. good camouflage haha

  4. I think these nature photos are terrific!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  5. Oh they definitely discipline their young.... and falling in the water? I used to do so regularly; accidentally on purpose of course. ;-)

  6. I think they probably do. They at least teach them about the dangers in the open, I imagine.

  7. I can imagine they are tweeting hillariously :)...I guess it's just natural that they teach and learn some tricks in the wild for survival..

  8. I swear the geese here are telling their little goslings what to do.


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