Tuesday, June 9, 2015

WW: Theater {Linky}

The boys were in an all day camp last week at the Omaha Community Playhouse. It's their favorite camp.

On Friday they performed for us. The theme was time travel. Each child wrote what they wanted to be in the skit. They incorporated all the writings all together.

Isaak started off the skit. He was going to use this owl finger puppet he made. Instead they used a real puppet, so everyone could see it. I thought it was pretty cool he started it off, since he was the youngest in the class. it was for ages 7-12, and he just turned 7.

If it were the movie Back to the Future Isaak was the character doc. Taking everyone back in time.

I love this shot of Isaak because he was smiling. I could tell he was having fun.

The boys had no shame in dancing with the girls, and acting things out.

The camp was mostly girls, with 4 boys. The boys didn't seem to mind. 

Mica really gets into character. He was Zeus, so he had to wear a white shirt because, "That's God like Mom." -Mica The trouble - was that he didn't tell me that he needed a white shirt until the night before their performance. His shirt is a bit on the small side. Mica also traveled back in time to meet George Washington.

Do you have your kid's in any camps this summer? If you don't have small children did you go to camps when you were younger?

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  1. No my girl doesn't go for camps.. I'm to lazy to sign up or bring her haha. But it does seem fun! I like their ideas for the play :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in: Wordless Wed Linky

  2. I love the pictures. My kids would love a camp like this where they act and stay active. :)

  3. Thanks for the linky, found you on another!

  4. They look like naturals on that stage! The camps here are crazy expensive, so I don't send my girls. But, we do try to find other things to keep them busy all summer long.

  5. Budding actors and actresses...I have an actor studying in college now! Thanks for joining us on Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday!


  6. What nice photos it's always good to see kids having fun and not on a tablet or phone haha!

    Have a tanfastic week and thanks for wandering by :-)

  7. Summer camps were the best fun!!! Your son is really cute!

  8. I'm sorry, I added last week's post first and then this week's. Feel free to delete the first link:) Anyhow, I love these photos - the quality is amazing. Great photos of the kids in their play! My oldest is going to a Drama Club camp. They both do a week long basketball camp. Just day camps!

  9. That looks so fun! We usually do a bunch of camps but aren't doing so much this year. Pierce has a technology camp. And they all have a couple of VBS camps. I'm considering a dance camp for Cort, but I need to check some dates.

  10. I love the pictures. Yes, I went to summer camp once and loved it. My kids haven't gone.

  11. I think camp would be fun. It's good for the kids to get out and do new things.

  12. Very nice. I love the fact that kids are meeting other kids and doing cool stuff.

  13. that looks like fuuun..I don't know whether Bo will enjoy theater but Obi, my daughter, will certainly do :)

  14. Oh my goodness! I didn't know they did a camp! Sounds like a great idea for my oldest!

  15. My son is young and yet this photos are like me seeing me the future. I am sure I will have a performer as well as my son just loves being in youtube!

  16. Broxton did an adventure camp and loved it this summer... then we have vbs.. that's about it this year.

  17. Summer camps are great. My kids always participated.


  18. Mica has always been a ham. I don't think things will change anytime soon.

  19. What a couple of hams. Of course they didn't mind that they were more girls than boys! lol. Love the "God like" comment. GG does go to camp offered by our local YMCAs. I love the break and she loves them. I have thought about sending her to one of the theatre ones but so far they have always fallen on times we aren't able to take her.


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