Monday, August 24, 2015

Busy Busy

You may have noticed it's been a few weeks since I've posted a featured band or artist on Saturday. I'm sorry. I actually have been creating a list of bands, and more to feature. The weekend before last was Mica's family party, and school had just started. This last week my nephew Emerson had spinal surgery, and Mica's friend party was on Saturday morning. 

I'll make this post about Emerson's surgery. I guess having a tethered spinal cord is pretty common. The surgery isn't supposed to be a big deal. To me any surgery where they have to put someone out is a big deal.

Most the time doctors catch a tethered spinal cord early. If a kid doesn't walk that's something they look into.

Well Emerson's body is complicated. With having Trisomy 18 they knew walking may not happen. When he was almost 4 they found out he has a tethered spinal cord.

Why they schedule him for surgery when school is beginning, and fall is about to happen is beyond me. I know why...all the doctors have to be there. It's when kids get colds. My nephew Elijah (his brother) is getting over a gigantic cold. I'm pretty sure he got it from Isaak. I thought Isaak just had a horse voice from the outdoor camp/allergies.

Moving on...Emerson had a lot more nerves connected to his spinal cord, which made it difficult to get them all off. It was like a maze for the doctors. They simply couldn't get all his nerves off his spinal cord. They'll see in time if the surgery helped, or not. 

They punctured his urethra, which made him bleed, and it hard to get his catheter out. 

He was in a lot of pain. That boy has a HUGE pain tolerance level. He had that pain cry throughout the first day after surgery.  It didn't help that he pretty much had to stay still in position.

I texted my sister to see how his pain level was that 2nd day after surgery? She texted back saying that they gave him 5x the amount of pain medication that he should have had! He wasn't feeling anything! Instead he was on a 20 minute watch, and the hospital had to call poison control. This is the best hospital in Omaha for kids. We have pretty good hospitals here.

We visited Emerson in the hospital. I visited first...

Travis visited second. My brother-in-law loved the guy time with Travis. I had to call to ask when he was leaving?

The boys stayed in the lobby area with 1 parent at a time. I didn't want them to A) Carry germs up there B) Get something up there. Plus Mica had to work on a speech to run for Student Council. We went outside the hospital lobby for part of the time, where it was quiet to work on his speech. It worked - except for the fact that Isaak was bouncing all over the place. Isaak's in the talking all the time, and never relaxing stage. He even sings all the time, which I swear I've never heard the boy sing much until this year.

Afterwards I dropped all my boys off at home. Then I went to the store to get stuff to make chili, and things for Mica's party. I prepared stuff to put in the crock pot for the morning. This all happened Thursday night after work. 

Friday morning I threw all the things in the crock pot to made chili to take to my sister's house for dinner. I think everyone at work was hungry for chili on Friday. I just had no choice, but to plug it in at work. I figured with that much stress my sister's family could use an already prepared meal. I know that's what I appreciated when we were busy with hospital things. 

Emerson was able to go home on Sunday.  They had trouble getting his catheter out. My sister had to get on the staff to get him out of there. In the end she had people apologizing. She's a trained nurse, so she knows what's up. Emerson was kicking happily in his car seat on his way home. He's feeling perkier.


  1. Oh no! That sounds awful. I am so glad he is doing better. I'm sure everyone is relieved to have the surgery over.

  2. Poor little Emerson. He has gone through so much in his short lifetime. Hoping he gets well very soon

  3. Awww, little Emerson. He's such a little trooper <3

  4. Awe. Poor thing. Hope has better now.
    The photos of him broke my heart.

  5. Big hugs for Emerson. Sounds like a rough time, but glad to hear he's in better spirits now!


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