Tuesday, August 25, 2015

WW: Goof {Linky}

Isaak made himself some cardboard glasses and said, "Mom take a picture of me. I've got style!"

He also decided to put his white t-shirt around his waist to look like a skirt.

The next day we were talking about movies that we've never seen, but would like to. Pan's Labyrinth came up. I showed the boys some pictures from it. Isaak held up his dried fruit to look like a character from the movie.

Isaak also decided to make this paper hat.


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  1. LOL brilliant and I agree with him he has got style heheh!

  2. Cute! Pan's Labyrinth is a great movie!

  3. Love his imagination! Now you're making me want to watch Pan's Labyrinth again!

  4. You gotta love their imagination and creativity!

  5. He really is such a riot! I am sure he gives you such good belly laughs with what he comes up with!

  6. Now that's original.


  7. Love the glasses. I though Pan's Labrynth was R18 (or at least R16). I know it was restricted in New Zealand when my teen wanted to see it.

  8. He definitely has his own style, and I love it! Such a fun and creative imagination he has. =)

  9. Too funny on the dried fruit - he really did make a convincing look!

  10. Rhonda Albom - The boys didn't watch Pans Labrynth. We were only talking about it at the breakfast table. I showed Isaak the silly photo of a character from the movie, and that's when he held up the dried fruit.

  11. Love the Pans Labyrinth version! So creative of him =)

  12. Lol. Looks like he was ok with photos that day. The top photo made me think of the minions ;)

  13. That is funny! He is really creative. I'm sorry I haven't visited your blog lately. My kids were home for the summer and they took up all my free time. I am excited to be back to blogging full time now that they are back in school and I promise to visit you more often. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  14. Very cute. I have never seen that movie either.

  15. With those glasses, he looks like a little Borg from Star Trek. Your kids have excellent imaginations. Very creative.

  16. Cool glasses, looks like so much fun :)

  17. Looks like he's very brilliantly creative. And cute too. :)

  18. He definitley has style. What a cutie pie.

  19. Oh those are priceless pics that you will always cherish and he will probably groan about one day ;) Thanks for joining us on Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday!


  20. LOL Issak is always making something. Maybe one day he will make something we all can use.... He might make some money at doing this one day.


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