Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WW: Goggles {Linky}

The boys made candy boxes at the Lowes Clinic a few weeks ago. I asked them if they'd like goggles? They work great for when they help me when I suck up leaves out of our driveway.

They both got some. They had some spooky accessories for their goggles. Isaak picked out a black cat accessory.

Mica didn't want an accessory. He jumped right into building his candy house.

Then I heard giggles. Mica made his black cat farting out green slime. He thought that was the funniest thing ever.

Here's the candy box they created. Maybe it's a birdhouse. My boys are filling it with candy.

This weekend we ran some errands. I parked the car, looked back, and there was Mica reading his book with his hardware goggles on. Never mind the fact that he has 2 pair of sunglasses back there.


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  1. LOL love the way their always having fun it's refreshing to see :-)

    Have a spookytastic week :-)

  2. I love Issak's cat google accessory! too cute!

  3. You have a couple of awesome boys there! I love their candy house :)

  4. Bwhahaha on the farting cat! It is hilarious! Yes, I admit to my immaturity!

  5. The houses are wonderful. After seeing Mica's farting cat, I know he'd enjoy playing the game on my blog. ;)


  6. Kids can get so much enjoyment out of the simplest things. It's an attribute most of us lose when we grow up.

  7. The candy house came out great. I love those Lowe's workshops. My kids did a couple of them. It's great to have those types of skills!!

  8. The farting cat made me giggle! They did an awesome job on their bird houses turned candy houses. ;)

    WW: The Perfect Storm

  9. That is great! He has quite the personality. Thanks for linking up. Have a great week!

  10. so they wore them everywhere I suppose :)...I love the black cat accesories you got here..

  11. You definitely have some creative boys and they are totally handsome! I sometimes which my children were still at home....... NOT!!! i had my turn and now it's yours.... that's what memories and pictures are for right? Have a great day & by the way your nephew below is so adorable! Thanks for sharing him too!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Have fun fun fun and be safe, safe, safe!!!!

  12. Brilliant project. Love those boxes, and the goggles look great too.

  13. Lol. Funny boy! Broxton has a pair of them and wears them at the most weird time. Hahaha

  14. OMG that is hysterical. Little boys.....

  15. Ok, that house project is awesome! My girls would love doing something like that..only their likely too old!


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