Thursday, November 26, 2015

Random Tid Bits

  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Where do you go for Thanksgiving? This year we're going over to my Aunt Marsha's house. Many of my cousins, their kids, aunts, uncles, siblings, nieces, nephews, and my 1 remained grandparent will be there.

    I'm bringing: Pomegrante Seeds, and a pumpkin cake that is decorated to look like a turkey. Travis is bringing his 2 pies that are more like Quiche. I'll take a picture of the food to post later.

  2. Mica's excited to watch the parades on TV. Last year was the first year he got into them. 

  3. You know how you notice things in your kids - similar traits that you share? Apparently Mica learned about child abuse this week at school. He's like me, in the fact that once he hears about a bad story he can't get it off his mind.

    He's been walking around telling people all about a story that happened in Texas. Small kids were left home alone. One kid put another kid in the oven, and shut the door. Another kid came over, and turned the oven on. You can imagine how that ended.  

  4. Warning Bad Word Alert! There was this store in Japan that decided to use the words, Fuckin Sale. They thought Fuckin only meant really great. Like that's Fuckin Good! When they found out what the word really meant, they were oh so embarrassed. As they should have been.

    They pulled their advertisements down. It had to be expensive! Look at all the banners! Their new design just sucks really bad. I almost wish they would have left that offensive word up. An offensive word, or bad design? What would you have picked?

  5. I'm still in limbo with what to do with my Christmas card. This is not good folks. Last year, because I had New Years cards instead of Christmas cards, I had 3 or 4 older relatives send me their cards. On them, they said, "I'm looking forward to seeing your card this year. I haven't gotten it yet. I hope you're sending one." Hint Hint!

    I wanted to have it done by now just to get that online discount after Thanksgiving. Oh well!


  1. Oh dear that's really awful what happened in Texas!! And I didn't hear about the big boo-boo in Japan1 Was it recent? I'm surprised though as big malls should have at least ONE person who can speak and write English well!!

    Happy Thanksgiving with your family :) Hope Mica thinks more happy thoughts and not so much on the sad case..

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  2. I kinda think it is a bit funny about the bad word in Japan. I can't imagine how embarrassed they were about that!

    twinkle at optonline dot net

  3. what a word chosen for the sale..I notice some people thought using the bad words are pretty cool and very "America"..but of course once they know exactly what it means they'll think twice before using it..and what a horrible thing that happened in Texas. I can imagine why Mica get so distress hearing that story. I would do, too..

  4. Gomenisi! Nanda?

    I heard about that thing in Texas. I wonder sometimes why I ever leave this mountain top when I hear bad things like that.

  5. Bwhahahaha! I am dying about the f*ing sale! That would certainly draw me in, but I do have a big of an immature side ;)

  6. Bwahahahaha, the effing sale is HILARIOUS. Funniest thing I have heard all day.

  7. That is so funny about the sale. They meant well. Lol.

  8. Sorry, but that is too funny about the advertisement.
    I can not wait to see your cards, they are always so great!

  9. I always seem to go to my aunt's houses also. I even moved states this year, and still went to an aunt's house :)

  10. I may not send Christmas Cards this year (gasp). We had Thanksgiving at my nephew's, a whole ton of us showed up. It was nice. :)

  11. I was just showing my daughter that Japanese mistake the other day. I can't believe SOMEONE didn't know it was a no-no. LOL! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!


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