Tuesday, November 24, 2015

WW: Overnight and Date Night {Linky}

Last Friday our boys were super excited to have their cousin's Evan and Elijah over. Elijah and Isaak played with balloons. Evan and Mica played with Legos. We ordered Chinese food. I told Elijah that he must be going through a growth spurt. He ate, and ate. They watched The Chronicles of Narnia for the first time. In the morning I made them French Toast.

On Saturday Travis and I got dressed up to go to The Bemis Art Auction. Mica took the photo of us. The photo is totally from his level looking up. Travis sold a sculpture - yay! We're still not sure if it bid up, or not. We had lots of good food, and wine. We talked to many different people. It was fun. We don't go out that often. With two little boys we're generally pretty busy with them.


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  1. That's a great photo of you and your husband. I bet you had a great time too. I understand how busy you are with your kids. My husband and I haven't gone out on a date in months. We always have something going on with our kids. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Yay congrats to your hubby for selling one of his art pieces and I love your outfit for the night :)))

  3. Nice photos especially of you both he did well taking it :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving from London UK :-)

  4. Date nights are important but hard to come by. We raised 5 and we were either too busy, too tired, or too broke to go out! Blessings to you, Teresa from NanaHood

  5. You make a nice looking couple.

    My kids always liked the Narnia Chronicles. I liked the first part of the movie, where the Hienkle HE-11l's were bombing Britain. After that it got a little weird I thought but the kids liked it.

  6. You both look great for the evening,congratulations on the sale, thats awesome!!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

  7. You both look so spiffy! Congrats on selling the art piece!!

  8. Congrats on selling a sculpture. Wonderful family photos.

  9. You guys are too cute. Glad you got a chance to go out.

  10. Congrats to Travis for selling the sculpture. I know that is a great feeling!!!! Yall look great, happy you two got to enjoy a date night!

  11. Very nice photo. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Looks like had a fun time :) Lovely picture of you both,,

  13. You guys look great in the pic. Hurrah for getting to go out, and for the sculpture selling too!

  14. You both look great for the date night. Congrats to Travis on selling a sculpture.

  15. Mica did great taking that picture. You two look nice


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