Thursday, December 10, 2015

Brita the Elf

Last year we started The Elf on the Shelf. I don't do anything too elaborate with her. 

I know some people hate this elf. It's extra work on the parent's part, even though he/she is supposed to watch for good or bad behavior - kid's behavior doesn't change for the elf, and other random reasons.

I'll tell you why I like her:
  • She encouraged Isaak to read and write last year. Isaak would write our Elf Brita, and Brita would write him back. If you remember Isaak's never been much of a reader, so I'll take anything that gets him to read and write.

  • She encourages creative thinking. 
A few days ago Brita left a a paper train of people. Isaak has been trying to make a paper train ever since that day.
  • The boy's other toys get played with. I use Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle(s) as Brita's side kicks. 
They were zip lining across our kitchen.
  • Brita sometimes gets Isaak up in the mornings. At times he jumps out of bed to go find her. 
Floating in a boat.
  •  She puts a smile on both boy's faces. 
She was hanging with Michelangelo up until this point. Leonardo took Michelangelo's spot. He kissed her.

Poor  Michelangelo was throwing a jealous fit.

  • She gets rid of things that Mom and Dad want gone, but Isaak want's to keep. 
Isaak has been getting stickers from school for "good behavior". He leaves these stickers laying everywhere. Michelangelo decided to stick them on Brita. Isaak wasn't too happy about this one.
Pinterest has a lot of ideas. If you find that you're not super creative there's a lot of ideas online.
We have had a few elf hiccups. 
Isaak thought the elf was supposed to bring him presents. I said, "Nope, possibly sometimes (like the Kisses), but it's Santa's job is to bring the presents. Brita is just here to watch you, and do funny things." If he doesn't expect presents, than it will be all the more special when she does bring things. 

Isaak thought it would be fun to hide the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to see if they really would take part in Brita's antics. It's his own way of testing his faith in her I suppose. I've had trouble finding them twice. 


  1. Our elf doesn't do that much. He moves, but that is about it. I feel bad that he hasn't been doing anything fun, but Broxton still likes looking to see where he is at every day!

  2. So, Allison doesn't believe in Santa, but she still thinks the elf is real. How does that work? lol. Looks like your boys are having a great time with their elf.

  3. This our 5th year with the elf and I screwed up. I started having him do pranks, so now we have to do something every day - we can't just move him. I hate that elf.

  4. When my kids were little, we had an elf that my wife's mom gave us. He looked like Chucky in an elf suit. I used to turn his face to the wall while I was reading.....

  5. I still say Penguin on the Porch is the coming thing! ;-)

  6. These ideas are so cute! I must get an elf on the shelf. They're sure to be on sale after the holidays unless they are so popular, they fly off the shelves!

  7. The Elf on the Shelf is actually not a thing over here and I didn't really know what it was until your post so thank you for that. In my opinion, it's a nice idea if it works for the children in question.

  8. Our grandkids have the elf on the shelf... I don't think their Mom does much with it either. You do more than she does.


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