Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Warning Cuteness Overload!

I didn't even ask my sister if it was ok to post this picture, but she's always ok with it.

I hardly get good photos of my nephews. I see them mostly in the evening, when it's dark.

If you're new to this blog than you won't know that my nephew Emerson has what's called Trisomy 18 also known as Edwards Syndrome. In the hospital they call babies that have Trisomy 18 Incompatible With Life. Emerson now will be 5 in June. 

He has homework on an iPad that he does every day. It's just to recognize shapes, animals, and colors. My youngest nephew Edison sat with Emerson to do his homework. This picture is just so cute!


  1. They are seriously cute! I love that they are so close.

  2. Yep, that is definitley an awesome pic! :)

  3. Very cute picture! And I love those names.. Edison and Emerson. Very cool :)

  4. Such a great picture. They have both grown so much!!!!!

  5. Such a lovely photo for keeps. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

    Ai @ <a href="> Sakura Haruka </a>

  6. That's a nice picture. It's especially pleasant at this time of year.

  7. That's so sweet!

    Stopping in to wish you, Travis and the boys a Very Merry Christmas!

  8. They look pretty cute together indeed :)


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