Tuesday, March 1, 2016

WW: Blocking it Out {Linky}

This is Mica when he watches Ghostbusters. The scene where the books fly off the walls.

This is Isaak during the Goosebumps movie. He was like this off and on throughout the whole thing. Then he was scared to go to bed for a few nights. He's even read some of the books. 

What movie(s) scared you when you were little? For me it was the 1978 movie - Foul Play. It had Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase, and Dudley Moore to name a few in it. Those weren't the people I was afraid of though. I was afraid of this guy:

My mom was so mad that my Dad let me watch this when I was 4. She was a night nurse, so she wasn't around when we watched it. "The White Man" terrified me for nights. It's pretty funny that Goldie Hawn was in a library scene with him. Mica was afraid of the library scene in Ghostbusters, and I'm thinking there were book scenes in Goosebumps - had I paid attention I'd know for sure.

Anyhow my Dad took it as far as getting under my bed, and he jumped out at me laughing. He's a character! My kids should be so happy they have drawers under their beds because I'm a lot like my Dad. I find humor in scaring people. 



  1. Haha! I used to be like them at their age

    The white man is quite scary heheh!

    Have a scarytastic week :-)

  2. I used to be like that at their age too heheh!

    The White Man is scary too arrgh LOL

    Have a scarytastic week

    Sorry if I have posted twice my first attempt wouldn't work

  3. I had horrid nightmares from Home Alone - became so anxious we'd get broken into! Now I laugh SO hard.

  4. I dont know about a kid, but that guy scared me now!
    I didnt watch scary movies!

  5. My scary movie was Salem's Lot! I can see why that guy scared you. He's creepy!

  6. I don't remember being scared of a movie when little; but as an adult, I walked out of the first Jurassic Park shaking. That movie was so much scarier on the big screen, when seeing it for the first time.


  7. I guess when I saw Jaws on the big screen when I was five. I didn't want to take a bath for a while.

  8. I still don't watch scary movies, and when my girls do I put on head phones so as not to hear them. The movie that scared me when I was young was "Pit and the Pendulum" I actually enjoyed Foul Play.

  9. I don't remember what movies scared me when I was a kid. I don't think I watched very many scary movies.

  10. I don't remember that movie from the 70s at all, but "yes" Goosebumps did have books in it. ;) Hope you have a great end to your week!

  11. I went to a friends house when I was in first grade. They were playing Nightmare on Elm Street. Needless to say, I was freaking terrified of Freddy Kruger for years.

  12. I watched The Exorcist when I was about 12 and it scared me for months afterward. I had to wake my mom up to accompany me to the toilet at night!

  13. I use to love watching the TV programs with my son years and years ago. They us to scare me so much!! I would love to watch the movie :)

  14. I'm a big fan of scary movies and jump at the chance to watch them. HOWEVER, I was traumatized by Freddy Krueger of Nightmare on Elm Street when I was younger. I still can't watch those movies to this day.

  15. I do the same thing when watching scarry one :)

  16. There is this local movie from the Philippines about monsters in a jar. I cant go near any vase since then! Now I know better but I still feel better when the jars have flowers in them =P

  17. Broxton is like that in some scenes... it is too funny to me.
    I have never seen the movie you saw... hmmm bet Marc has. :)

  18. Too cute. My youngest does the exact same thing!


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