Tuesday, May 10, 2016

WW: Doesn't Fit {Linky}

I asked Mica to try on pjs that were in his drawer. I said, "If they are smaller than size 10 you really don't need to try them on." He's in a size 12.

We were both laughing when he came out of his room. He didn't even care that I took pictures.

These were a size 7:



  1. it's amazing that he still managed to squeeze through without ripping them haha.. do you have pics of him wearing them when he was younger? If you do show them side by side to see how he has grown! ;p

  2. We are going through Allison's clothes now too and have a few that fit her like this. She swore she could fit in a size 8 for shorts. Nope, more like a 12!

  3. That is so funny, boy and it does not take long for them to outgrow clothes!!

  4. I've been having the same problem.

  5. LOL hilarious
    Have a pyjamatastic week :-)

  6. Yep, I'd say those are outgrown. Nice looking pj's though.

  7. Similarly, I was clearing wardrobes few days ago, my 5yo was having fun to fit-in a 3yo piece romper of hers. It was hilarious as i did not ask her to do so.

  8. I can only uimagine how fun it is in your household! This is the case with my son as well as he is growing and I have to get rid of so many stuff! Kids grow fast!

  9. Now those look more like tights! lol Yeah, safe to say he has outgrown those!

  10. Love it! They grow up so fast!

  11. LOL, he's such a sweetie... :)
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  12. That's funny that he put them on. Both of your boys are looking older too, I see it in the pictures. :)

  13. That is so funny. I love that your whole family has a sense of humor :)

  14. I'm surprised he still had those in his drawer for a small as they are on him.


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