Tuesday, June 28, 2016

WW: Superheroes {Linky}

My nephew Emerson has Trisomy 18. He wasn't expected to live. In the hospital they call his condition incompatible with life. He just turned 5. He walked all over during his birthday party; with a superhero cape on the back of his walker.

Happy Birthday Emerson!

Here's his family. My sister, nephews and brother-in-law:

My nephew Evan and Elijah. My boys are close to them because they are the same ages as them.

My son's Mica and Isaak.

My youngest nephew that gets all the attention because he copies whatever the boys say or do, Edison.

I convinced my dad to get a picture. ;) What a sport!



  1. What a great bunch of super heroes! Great photos of your family and Dad is a great sport! :)

  2. Cousins are so special. I was very close to mine growing up - and still am!
    And Emerson sounds likes he's truly a superhero. Way to show those doctors!!

  3. Happy Birthday Emerson! You are definitely a superhero!
    I am loving that backdrop for the party. Your dad is such a fun guy, getting in there and posing for the camera.

  4. Happy Birthday to him and bless him.

    He is a true superhero.

  5. Beautiful photos! I hope your nephew had a wonderful birthday. Thanks for linking up for Wordless Wednesday. Have a terrific day!

  6. A big fat Happy Birthday to Emerson from me :-)

    Enjoyedd the fun photos too Zap! Powwww! heheh!

  7. Happy birthday, Emerson! Love to see all those cute superheroes :)

  8. Happy birthday Emerson! Looks like you rocked it.

  9. Looks like a fun birthday. Happy Birthday Emerson :)

  10. Yep. Looks like a good time.
    So happy to be able to say happy birthday to him.

  11. That's such a fun pic of your dad. Happy birthday to Emerson.


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