Friday, July 1, 2016

Random Tid Bits

  1. It's hard to believe it's Friday already. I took Tuesday and Thursday off of work. The boys don't have camp this week and next. On Tuesday we had fun. I took the boys to take pictures. They turned out just ok. I take them every once in awhile thinking that they can make my boys smile better together than I can. I generally end up with better pictures on my own. Of course it works out better to take pictures when the sun is just about to go down. That's not always ideal considering that we're eating, taking showers, and reading books during that time of day.

    The fun things were eating at Subway, and playing at Alley V. We had extra points on our Alley V gift cards, and we used them up. I was digging the air hockey that particular day.

    On Thursday I informed them that we were cleaning. I washed all the bedding, and cleaned up the area where all the cans, extra baking stuff is and tins are. Travis came home and said, "I can't even tell what you did all day." He may not of been able to tell, but I assured him that I was busy I still have more work to do...

  2. I've been suffering from night time asthma for weeks now. I've talked to a lot of people about how their allergies are at an all time high this year. :( 

  3. On Wednesday night I went out to dinner with some co-workers to Flagship Commons. I don't hang out with them - like ever. I'll back up: There's 2 sides to the company I work at. One side has my boss, his wife, the Education Director and the teachers. The other side has the Financial Aid Director, a Librarian, the Director, recruiters, and the Office Manager. I don't hang out with the other side because my office is no where near them. I do however walk around the school with the Financial Aid Director. It was kind of nice hanging out with them.

    I told Travis and the boys to go to, but to act like they don't know me. It was just for us girls. Mica road home with me. He noticed the sky was really dark. I asked, "Do you want me to stop, so you can take pictures?" He did. One turned out pretty cool!

  4. I don't wear very much makeup. One thing I hardly ever wear is mascara. Putting mascara on just weighs my eyelids down. I feel tired when I wear it. I can't even begin to imagine what it feels like to wear fake eyelashes. 

  5. At work there are some Mulberry Trees. I take 1/2 hour lunches during the summer, but sneak in at least 10 minutes of Mulberry picking. Each day I get a handful of Mulberries.


  1. We have been playing it low this summer... until this week. We had a blog event Tuesday and then another Wednesday. The older boys are coming this week and that's all our plans. (Except savannahs first birthday with family )

  2. I love mulberries. I usually send the girls down the street to steal them off the neighbor's tree since I don't have a bush in my yard lol.

  3. Yum, mulberries! It is nice to get out once in awhile. Glad you wennt and had a good time.


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