Friday, July 29, 2016

Random Tid Bits

  1. My Great Aunt passed away this week. People on that side of the family live into their 90s. My Grandpa just turned 90, his sister (my Great Aunt) lived until she was 92, and his mom (my Great Grandma) lived until she was 92. I hope my Grandpa has a few more years in him at least! 

  2. It was fun going to my Grandpa's 90th party. They had slide shows set up to watch of my grandparents, mom, dad, aunts, cousins, sisters, and I when we were younger. Isaak looks a lot like I did when I was little.

    Many people in our family have questioned if my Grandpa's side had Native American in it. He's always gotten so dark. I happened to get the skin coloring of the German's and Swedes in my family. 

  3. Isaak has a really good friend. His friend's Grandparents take Isaak places. We take his friend places. There is no fighting. There are other kids that ask Isaak to do things.

    I wish Mica had the same kind of friend(s). Everyone seems to like Mica, but he doesn't have that one kid that he does stuff with. He has a good guy friend, but he's into baseball. It takes up much of his time. The people in Mica's class just doesn't do stuff together. Mica had a great friend that was a girl, but she grew up, as girls do, and only wants to hang out with girls. 

  4. There's some kind of stomach virus going on around this city. People at Travis' work has had it, my cousin's kids have had it, and now my family has it. It started with Isaak, then Travis had it, and now Mica has it. I hope I don't get it.

    Little Isaak wore out after camp on Monday. He didn't feel good.

  5. What's a mom and son to do with a sick son? Lucky for us The Wonder Years - the 4th season came in from the library. The library just bought it, and we're watching that. I'm so happy that the boys love some of my favorites as much as I loved them.



  1. So sorry about the loss of your Great Aunt. We have a lot of relatives that lived to be in the 90's also. It is wonderful to have longevity in the family.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  2. Sorry about the passing of your Great Aunt. Sounds like she had a good run though.

    Hope the boys don't get really sick, and I hope the virus doesn't spread to your whole family. When my wife was still teaching she brought home every nasty disease that got into the school and I got it.

  3. Very sorry for the passing of your aunt. 90's are a great life though!!

    Here's to hoping you don't catch that bug. Hope your house gets over it soon.

  4. We've got some kind of nasty bug here too, and all three of us are down and out. Hope it skips you!

    I'm sorry to hear about the loss in your family.

    Your grandpa looks great!

  5. Sorry for your loss!

    Thankfully, no human bugs here, but my poor 15 year old pug is wheezing like crazy. Antibiotics don't seem to be helping. We are wondering if it's about time to have her put to rest :(

  6. Oh no Theresa! That's so sad about your doggie. I know how much you love that pug!


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