Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dear Mica,

You turn eleven tomorrow! It's hard to believe I have an 11 year old.

Your birthday kind of snuck up on me this year.

I haven't gone to take photos of you yet. That is unless you count the photos I took of you in our yard.

I said when you turned 11 you couldn't have a friend party. It's just a family party this year. Over the weekend we'll have to see if a friend can go do something though.

We already went out to a nice restaurant for your special day. Per your request I made you a special ice cream cake that looks oh so yummy! It's chocolate cake with mint chocolate ice cream on top, and chocolate mint cookies on top of that. Very sinful indeed!

Since your class doesn't have birthday treats I bought bookmarks and pencils that match. Yay for back to school deals!

You got a brand new office chair for an early present, and a Lego set: Poe's X-Wing Fighter. I included the receipt if you choose to pick out something different. You're getting at that hard age to buy for.

You argued with me this year about how your birthday had to be on Sunday because it was last year. Sorry it's on a Wednesday this year. 

You make silly faces, which is about the only thing that gets you smiling/laughing for photos!


Things you're into:

  • Eating - You keep growing up and up
  • Playing on your Kindle - We have to limit that
  • Playing with Legos
  • Reading
  • Talking about ghost like stuff
  • Watching The Wonder Years

Things you dislike:

  • Eggs
  • Spiders, Bees and Wasps
  • Isaak hanging on you
You're pretty easy going.

I hope you have a great day!




  1. Sorry, I should have left my birthday wishes on this post! My bad. Happy birthday to Mica. I loved your tribute - the likes/dislikes. I have a 14 year old who doesn't like the 12 year old hanging all over him. lol

  2. Happy Birthday! He is a handsome young man.

  3. You got some great pictures of him. I hope he has a wonderful birthday!

  4. Awe. Hope he has a great birthday. I love your posts to them. Always so sweet.

  5. Happy Birthday Mica! I hope you have a fantastic day! Just think, 2 more years until you are an official teen. Yikes!

  6. Congratulations to you on your son's birthday. He's a fine young fellow, reflects well on his mother and father.

  7. Happy happy birthday Mica :)..we both are Leo :)

  8. Happy belated birthday Mica! This is a lovely tradition you have.. writing down the things about him for the year. I've yet to do Lil Pumpkin's birthday interview video yet and her birthday was in May. Eeks.

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka


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