Saturday, August 13, 2016

Rock N Learn Early Childhood Book Collection #Giveaway #BackToSchool

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. I received the books mentioned in exchange for this review. All opinions are mine.

I love books and movies that are educational. Rock N Learn has a great collection for kids all through elementary. Mica likes their multiplication DVD, and Isaak learned so much from their DVD on sight words. The company focuses on learning.

Rock N Learn sent me 2 board books to review. I love board books for kids because they last so much longer. Both books are 30 pages, which I think is a perfect length. They are for ages 1 and up. They are going to be gifts for my nephews for Christmas, but in the meantime Isaak has read them. I even spotted Mica picking them up for a quick read. 

Animals - Point & Name With 44 Rhymes

This book brings the reader in with its pretty pictures of animals. There are 44 creatures from the forest, farm, and other animals around the world.

There are fun rhymes throughout the book.

Isaak read this a few times because he loves the pictures.

Letter Sounds Silly Sentences - Early Phonics Skills

This book helps with learning how to read in a fun way. It builds pre-literacy skills. There are 26 letters in the book, and silly sentences that help with learning to read.

Isaak said, "Hey I know these characters!" He saw the characters in the videos that we have. He was intrigued with the book right away.

The Polly Porcupine page cracked the boys up!


I have both of these books to giveaway to 1 US reader. The giveaway ends 8/28. The winner chosen will have 48 hours to claim their prize.

If you'd like to get 25% off your order use the coupon code: KR8822.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I guess my son will love the Earth Science while my daughter will enjoy Dance with the animals :). These are great collections of books and DVDs..

  2. These books look really nice for the little ones!

  3. haha I think my girl would love the Silly Sentences book. She's always making up those of her own :P

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  4. The pictures in those are great! I just gave a set of board books to my granddaughter and she loved them!

  5. Those books look really cool. Thanks for sharing your review.

  6. Oh how cool. I love that you can shop by age / grade and not just the subject!!! Broxton would want me to get Spanish for him to learn, I would want to get either the Site words or science dvd for him.
    This looks like a great set of DVDs to review!

  7. My son would love the Silly Sentences book.


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