Monday, August 1, 2016


I don't normally post about movies we watch, but we watched a really good one. It's called Room. If you have Amazon Prime it's free to watch. 

My husband laughs because he generally picks out movies that he doesn't even like. He asked a few co-workers what movies they would recommend and Room came up.

I loved the movie! It's from the novel Room.

It is really similar to Jaycee Dugard, or Elisabeth Smart stories. More the Dugard story because this girl was locked up for 7 years, and had a child.

It has suspense, creativity, happiness, and sadness all wrapped up into one movie. There was only 1 actor I recognized, which maybe why I've never heard of it. It's also why I loved it. I like seeing new talent.

I loved how creative the boy is in Room. He reminded me of Isaak at the age of 5.

What's a movie that you love? I'm looking for movies that are not mainstream.


  1. I haven't watched a movie in a long time, but I'll definitely add this one to my watch list on Amazon Prime. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. I read this book. I saw the movie at the library this week but decided to get Race instead because one of my students recommended it. I will watch Room eventually though.

  3. Haven't heard of this, that I remember. Will have to look into it


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