Thursday, October 13, 2016


Last night we went to Wenninghoff's Farm for the boy's school. It was a fundraiser.

We only spent slightly over an hour there.

The perk was the pumpkin patch area. We grew pumpkins, so we didn't pick out pumpkins. It was just really pretty.

Pumpkins Only

Pumpkins With People

Pumpkins With People and a Dog That Kept Following Us on the Hayrack Ride

A Phone Shot

We spent the rest of the time talking with other parents, and running around.

Which photo is your favorite?


  1. I love that first one. So pretty!!!

  2. wow it looks just so magical especially with the sunset at the back :) what a lovely evening out!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  3. I like them all. Sunsets are always so magical to me, and with the pumpkin patch in there too, perfection!

  4. This brings back good memories. It's been a few years since I went to one of these. Taking young children is so much fun.

  5. love them all..but the first one is lovely indeed


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