Tuesday, December 6, 2016

WW: Spelling Bee {Linky}

Mica found out he was going to be in a Spelling Bee at school. He got his 120 word list just before Thanksgiving. Just to give you an idea on how hard they were I had to look up the meaning of some of the words. Some were: obstinate, omnivorous, bureaucracy, furlough, idiom and more...

Mica studied flashcards with meanings on one side and the words on the other, just looking off the list, us saying the words and him writing them down, and us saying the words and him spelling them out loud.

He missed many words in the beginning, but ended up knowing them all. The only word he struggled with was, "bureaucracy". Of course that was one word they asked him. We were crossing our fingers that he didn't miss it. He got it right.

Mica's number 2.

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 4:

Round 5 to Round 14:

Mica was left with one of his best friends. His friend kept saying, "Mica you can mess up now!" Mica said, "Not today!" 

The teachers took a long pause. They had to discuss what to do. It was obvious that these 2 kid knew the whole list of 120 words. They decided to ask them 2 words that were on the District List. 

Mica got the word, "Irrigate" and the other boy got, "Bankruptcy". We were hoping Mica didn't spell it with one "r". He didn't. The other boy spelled, "Bankruptsy". It was so close! If it were the other way around I think the other boy would have won for sure. 

He now moves up to the District Spelling Bee in February! We'll see how it goes. We as parents are going to have to do our research on how to help him study. I have to say that I sucked with spelling as a kid. I don't know how he has this talent. He must get it from Dad.

When he got that last word this song came into my head, and wouldn't leave:


  1. Well done to Mica I wouldn't have known them either haha! :-)

  2. Very cool. I can't spell cat, if you gave me the C and T.

    Great job to him.

  3. Congrats on Mica winning the spelling bee! I know he worked hard. I used to sponsor the school spelling bee, and it was a lot of stress for these kids to get up in front of everybody. Great job!

  4. Way to go! That is just awesome!

  5. Well done Mica! Good luck for the District spelling bee.

  6. Fantastic job! Congratulations Mica!

  7. That's awesome. I know you were so nervous! Any mom would be. Your boys are so handsome. Have a great week and good luck at district! Teresa from NanaHood.com

  8. Yay Mica! It sounds like he did great!

    I loved your pictures for each round. I actually got anxious as I was watching the numbers dwindle on down. :)

  9. Oh wow, he did great. I am so glad the internet has spell check :)

  10. Awesome. I bet yall are so proud!!!! Congrats, I would have been out early on. Hasa

  11. Big congrats to him!! THat's awesome that he got first place!

  12. Congrats Mica! A well deserved win, indeed! I'll always remember the word I missed. Themselves. I spelled it themselfs.

  13. Congratulations! He should be proud. Those were tough words. Has he seen the documentary Spellbound? It's about the national spelling bee and is fantastic.

  14. To this day I can't spell bureaucracy. I take a stab and then the spell checker fixes it. I hope your son doesn't overly stress on this.


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