Friday, February 24, 2017

Random Tid Bits

  1. Earlier it was like spring - in the 70s, last night there was a winter thunderstorm, and now it's snowing. The wind is supposed to get bad. 

  2. Below are pictures of the rain outside my car's windows. No worries, I was stopped at a long light. I don't text, or photography anything, while I drive.

  3. Because of the weather - elementary, middle and high schools were called off today. Travis was annoyed because when the boys are home on his days off he gets little done.

    I told him to have it be a learning experience for the boys. Mica's close to the age where he can babysit. Why not have him practice like it's the real deal? Mica can't interrupt Dad unless it's an emergency. He'll be downstairs working.

  4. We kind of banned Mica from the library, while the Spelling Bee and Read to Succeed were going on. He had a lot on his plate during that time, and we didn't want to add reading books to that already full plate.

    He got super excited to go to the library once again. I've never experienced a kid that loves books as much as Mica does. We've been there twice in two weeks. He picked up a stack of small books, and two really long books.

    One book is called, What is Woodstock?

    Kind of an odd book for a kid, but it is a children's book. Mica, "So Mom what was Woodstock like when you went there?" I said, "Mica I wasn't even born when Woodstock was in existence. The first real one anyhow. It was about 10 years before I was born. Even if I was around when it happened I wouldn't have gone. There was a lot of people walking around naked, doing drugs. It's not really my thing." His eyes were all wide, "Really? People were naked?" I said, "Yep." The next day he asked Travis, "How was Woodstock when you went Dad?" Travis said, "I wasn't even born yet." Travis is only a year older than I am. If I was too young for it, how would Travis be old enough for it?

  5. Isaak is a maker. He made this outfit for his stuffed dog some time ago. I don't think I've posted it. He made it with paper, and staples. Not the most comfortable outfit ;), but super creative.

  6. I registered Isaak for a spring basket ball, and Mica for soccer. Mica's never played a ball sport, but he claims that he loves playing soccer at recess. We're giving it a go. Isaak continues to love basketball, so he's staying on. I looked at my online receipt and it had both of them registered for soccer. On the phone I went to fix that mess up. 
Did you get into sports when you were a kid?

What's something random in your week?


  1. We're supposed to dip back down to cold temps this weekend, but they are supposed to go back up again next week. No complaints here! To say we had a mild winter is an understatement.

    I'm glad Mica loves to read so much. My oldest used to be a voracious reader until her last 2 years of high school when she over filled her plate with all Honors and AP classes. She will stop to read anything Harry Potter related, but other than that, it's all work and no play for her.

  2. It's warm here, I'm happy to say. My youngest likes to read. My daughter does sometimes. My two oldest used to, but they don't make time much for it anymore. Same with me. I love it, but I don't have a lot of time to indulge in it. :)

    Hurrah for soccer. I have a had two soccer players out of my four. I never was good at sports so I get excited when the kids are... it's fun to cheer 'em on. ;)

  3. Woodstock...I'd love to experience it myself if they have it again! This week, I was again assigned to Geneve and really have not enough time to prepare my trip :(

  4. Kids are always so funny when they talk about history. Obviously, anyone older than them was old enough to "be there". :)

    The rain on your windshield looks pretty. Glad to know you were at a red light, though I don't envy the actual driving you had to do when the light changed. It looks like it was raining pretty hard that day. :(

  5. Never into sports... love watching them though. Broxton likes trying them all out right now. He wants football, but I said not a chance. If he wants to play football, I said he has 2 seasons of flag football first to know the game.... too easy to get hurt


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