Tuesday, June 20, 2017

WW: Father's Day and Birthday {Linky}

For Father's Day and my early birthday celebration we went out to a place called Sgt. Peffer's Italian Cafe. It's a little hole in the wall place. They have some Beatles stuff, and play music from that time period.

Their pizza is pretty good!

Then for dinner Travis had Isaak help him in the kitchen.

They made Varna-Style Chicken with rice, and a garden picked kale salad.


  1. Oh what fun pizza place and then to have your 'men' cooking on Father's Day ~ it is all wonderful and sounds so delicious ~ ^_^

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting ~ ^_^

  2. That place looks really cool. I would love to go there.

  3. The hole in the walls are the best.

  4. What fun photos hope you saved me some food heheh!

    Hope you have a happy earlytastic birthday ;-)

  5. I like the Beetles memorabilia. And, you can't go wrong with pizza.

  6. Mmm! That pizza looks delicious! And I love all of the Beatles paraphernalia!

  7. That looks like such a fun eatery. One I could see my family enjoying as well.

  8. Those figurine and Beatles stuff look cute! We have a few as well from our visit to London back in 2009..The pizza looks super yum!


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