Tuesday, October 31, 2017

WW: Cuteness Overload {Linky}

It was Stuffed Animal Day at Isaak's elementary school.

He greeted me as I got off of work like this:

Did you like stuffed animals when you were a kid? I was more into Barbies and dolls.


  1. That is too cute! I miss the days when Allison would tote around plush all the time. They grow way too fast :(

  2. Very cute. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.

  3. AWW!how cute is that what a lovely gesture :-)

    Have a lovelytastic day :-)

  4. Cuteness overload indeed! Michael still loves his stuffies as well. I am so happy that's the case at almost 12!

  5. My boy likes stuffies too. It's going to be sad when they outgrow it, yes? :)

  6. Awwwwwwww!! So adorable! I'm surprised they didn't consider the stuffed animals a distraction? But that's a super cute puppy! Both of them! And it looks like a very happy boy! :)

  7. now that is too cute. broxton wasn't really into stuffed animals, until he got his penguin, a little over a year ago.. now he loves it soo much!


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