Tuesday, May 29, 2018

WW: Fire {Linky}

We went camping for the first time in about 3 years. Yep my allergies, and nose were so bad prior to my my surgery that I just didn't even want to try to camp. It's not that my allergies are perfect, but I can breathe through my nose now. I'm not walking around with a migraine headache 24/7.

We did it. It was kind of a spontaneous decision.

What did you do on Memorial Day?

 Travis teaching the boys how to make a fire without matches:

Isaak collected sticks, and Mica was the smore maker.

We all like our marshmallows burnt. Of course I'll eat them any which way. How do you like yours?

 An up close fire shot:


  1. That looks like fun, although I don't miss camping. I found it to be a lot of work! We marched in our town Memorial Day parade as chaperones for the marching band. It wasn't too hot, so that was a good thing. I prefer a light brown toasted marshmallow!

  2. Heheh! looked like they were enjoying that :-)

    It was a bank holiday Monday here in the uk :-)

    Have a tutorialtastic week :-)

  3. I actually like mine just gooey, not burned. Looks like fun!

  4. They are so much better when toasted golden brown.

  5. How fun! I miss camping. I haven't done that since college days.

    Happy WW, sweetie!

  6. OH MY GOSH, I haven't had roasted marshmallows in I cannot remember when! They look delicious. CAN I PLEASE COME NEXT TIME??? Hope you guys had tons of fun!

  7. Looks like a very wonderful time. That is a good skill to have. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  8. I do miss camping soon much! Obi my daughter loves roasting marshmallow and for sure we'll try to do it before heading back to Indonesia

  9. Potato carving ! That takes me back!

  10. That sounds like a fun and productive weekend. We didn't do much. I had a yard sale, we went to the beach, then took the girls on a short kayak trip down the river.

  11. campfires + marshmallows are always a good combo! great photos

  12. That's the perfect Memorial Day snack! Everyone loves those! I was flying home from a cruise that day but since it was raining at home, I didn't miss out on outdoor fun.


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