Tuesday, May 1, 2018

WW: Show Choir {Linky}

My son Isaak joined Show Choir this year. I'm not sure if he'll do it another year, or not. He's only in 4th grade right now, and is just testing the waters out with things.

I hear him sing and sing at home, but when he's on the bleachers in front of everyone he I just don't see his mouth moving all that much. I did capture this image, which shows one of his happier, animated times.


  1. Aww! I am sure he will get used to it in time I must admit I couldn't sing in front of people if you heard me you would know why :-)

    Have a choirtastic week and thanks for posing by :-)

  2. Same here. My son used to sing all the time and even did solos on stage when he was little. Now... nuh uh. I guess they get self conscious a bit as they get older. Too bad they don't keep that reckless abandon and zeal for life, that they have when they are younger. :)

  3. Steve is right. He will get used to it in time. Cute photo of Isaak.

  4. Allison didn't move her lips a lot either. She ended up dropping out this year, which wasn't surprising as I don't think she enjoyed it. She just wanted an excuse to hang out with her friends. I do hope Isaak finds joy in his class though!

  5. Well, give him a chance.. you never know hate it today & love it tomorrow kinda of thing maybe, right??? Kids.. gotta love em'!!! Have a great day!

  6. You never know-he might be on American Idol one day. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  7. I could see my son doing the same thing. He sings with way too much vibrato and all heart.

  8. Broxton likes singing at home, but i don't think he would do it in front of people.....

  9. It looks like he's having fun?

  10. I love it! Bravo Isaak..sincerely hope he enjoys it, Alissa

  11. Hopefully he comes around to it and enjoys it a bit more, can sure stink when doing something you really don't want to.

  12. My girl joined Netball this year for her school's extra curricular activity.. not sure if she will continue on next year as well but she seems to like it!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka


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