Friday, July 13, 2018

Urban Adventure Quest

We're about to turn Phoenix into a giant game board with this fun scavenger hunt adventure.

Combine the excitement of the Amazing Race with a three-hour city tour. Guided from any smart phone, teams make their way among well known and overlooked gems of the city, solving clues and completing challenges while learning local history.

It sounds pretty exciting to me!

Play anytime during daylight hours. Start when you want and play at your pace.

Great Family Fun!

Save 20%- Only $39.20 for a team of 2-5 people

Promotion Code: FGBLOG. Sign up online at

Disclaimer: There will be a follow up review for Urban Adventure Quest! This is a sponsored post.


  1. This sounds like fun time, Alissa. Never tried it before...

  2. Can't wait to hear how it was....

  3. I have heard of it. I'm curious to learn more.

  4. Oh that's so cool! What a great way to go to parts of the city you hardly explore too!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  5. I'll be looking forward to your follow up. I've only heard a little about it and am intrigued.


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