Tuesday, August 7, 2018

WW: Nature {Linky}

This is a garter snake skin that Mica found, and gave to Isaak. I love how you can see the eyes.

I also loved when I saw a bug encased inside a dandelion. 

A Thistle:

An Acorn:

I'm Not Sure What This Was:

Typical Nebraska Grassland:

 Does nature ever inspire you?


  1. Finding that snakeskin like that was slithertastic you got to admit :-)

    I liked the nice close ups you could see every detail :-)

    Have a tanfastical week :-)

  2. Awesome captures you have here.

    Happy WW, A!

  3. What kind of camera do you have? Wow! It takes fantastic pictures. I surely need a new one! Thanks for sharing! hugs

  4. @XmasDolly you'd be surprised. These were taken with just an iphone, but I have a $20 set of attachment lenses. That's how I get so close up.

  5. Oh my, what some awesome nature finds. Loving them all, but that snake skin, oh my. Just wow!

  6. Very beautiful photos. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  7. Love those shots! I'm reminded of some of the one my 11 year old takes. (Not in clarity, but in perspective.) Kids see the world so differently, eh?

  8. They're really crazy up close. Nature is extraordinary , isn't it?

  9. That is a cool snakeskin! The eyes look like diamonds. I love all of your nature photos. I am always inspired by the beauty that can be found outdoors.

  10. Those are some amazing photos! I'm not a fan of snakes but that skin is pretty cool.

  11. You got some great pictures. The land in Nebraska is inspiring! I love to be in nature. For me though, it's the water that inspires me most for photos. :)

  12. I love that one with the bug in the dandelion. Such great shots!


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