Friday, October 19, 2018

Random Tid Bits

  1. Tonight we have a Fall Festival to go to at Isaak's elementary school. They always have a lot to do. Kids of all ages have fun! 

  2. I was going to be the Bansky's image the just got shredded. I wanted to find a long white shirt, paint it to look like his work, cut it to look shredded, and put a frame on me. Then I saw that sort of done, without the frame. Then there's the question of copyrighting - but I think Halloween is an exception to that. 

  3. Source

  4. I also thought to be a cactus. Much of Saturday, while we watched TV I stuck toothpicks in a green sweater, hot glued them to buttons on the inside. Then hot glued the buttons to the sweater, so they wouldn't slip out. I made a wreath for my head as well. Tonight will be a trial run for that costume. I probably won't go all out tonight; like I will for work on Halloween. 

  5. Isaak is going as a girl. Travis kept asking why? I said, "If girls can dress up as boys, why can't boys dress up as girls?" His friend Daniel was a girl last year, which got a lot of chuckles. I've had guy students be girls here and there through the years. It's always pretty funny. 

  6. Meet Felisha! He'd probably look better with a blond wig, but black was cheaper. Ha!

  7. One of my Aunt's posts all the time about political things. She thinks about as opposite to me as possible. I would NEVER defriend her. I believe all people should be able to speak their mind. Do you believe in freedom of speech? 

  8. Here's one of the things she shared:

    But Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are two of her favorite presidents. They were both actors/a reality star.

    Should freedom of speech be applied only to people that's not a celebrity? I think my Aunt has a right to state her opinion, but so should Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep or anyone else should be free to state their opinion.


  1. I love him as a girl! Such a funny costume!

    I have friends on both sides of the political scale and wouldn't unfriend them for their beliefs either. I kind of agree with your aunt though on her post. While I think everyone should have a right to their opinion, when you have people like Taylor Swift or Kanye or Oprah using their platform to tell their audience who they are voting for, that's a slippery slope. Simply because you have idiots who won't do research on candidates and will vote for who their idol says is the right pick. I want as many people at the polls as possible, but I want INFORMED voters. If one is too lazy to research the issues the candidates they are casting their votes to, then I really don't think they should be voting.

  2. He looks funny as a girl. I'm excited to see your cactus costume!
    I believe in Freedom of Speech.

  3. I don't know much about the art world but my jaw dropped when I read about that shredded art piece on the news. I would've been livid if I would've been the buyer.
    I think all politicians are scandalous.


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