Thursday, November 8, 2018

Literary Book Gifts Review #holiday #gifts #read #books

There is one child in our house that's always been a reader. Any guesses who that might be? It's Mica! Even when he was itty bitty we would read to him. That's the only time he sat still. Now when books aren't around he'll read junk mail on the table. He reads though his textbooks at school. One teacher thought he didn't like a book he borrowed because he got it back to her in one day. Nope he read it all! He's volunteered at the library for a few years now, and was selected to do Quiz Bowl in school because of his literary knowledge.

I'm happy to introduce to you Literary Book Gifts.

They have high quality gifts for book lovers! Mica fits into their target market. I'm sure you have someone that you know that would as well.

All design work is done in house. I have to say that I'm jealous. I'd love to work there!

Each product is printed professionally with care.



Each shirt is $28. Remember they are designed in house. They have about 73 shirts with 14 color options. The sizes run from S, M, L, XL, 2XL, and 3XL. They are fitting shirts. I find I have to buy up in sizing for women's shirts. They have a chart on their site to help with sizing.

I picked out my top 3 to go over. They all have great typography and illustrations.

The first I picked out is Edgar Allan Poe. I like this one because when we went to Mesa Verde a crow perched up on an ancient window. It sat there just long enough for me to get some great photos.

The second I picked out is The Wizard of Oz. Travis read The Wizard of Oz to the boys, we all enjoy the movie, and a big pop-up book we have.

The third I picked out is Huckleberry Finn. I made Mica read Huckleberry Finn because I find it's a classic - must read. Then at conferences we asked if they have to read any classics, and mentioned this book. His teacher said, "That's a book I had to read when I was in school. Nope the kids don't have to read that." Well Mica has. ;)

Men | Unisex

Each shirt is $28. Remember they are designed in house. They have about 73 shirts with 9 color options. The sizes run from S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL and 5XL.

I picked out my top 3 to go over. They all have great typography and illustrations.

The first I picked out is Walden. Travis visited Walden Pond when he was up in Boston. I'd like to get this shirt for him.

The second I picked out is Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland. I just always liked the story. Alice was quite the day dreamer, and had a crazy imagination. I think many artist types like this adventure.

The third I picked out is Dracula. I like anything spooky, so Dracula fits the ticket.

Tote Bags

I'm a big fan of bags. I use cloth bags all the time.

Small Cost: $24 Size: 13x13
Medium Cost: $28 Size: 17x15
Large Cost: $32 Size: 18x18

I picked out my top 3 to go over. They all have great typography and illustrations.

The first I picked out is Peter Pan. We loved the live show at The Rose Theater. I like the illustration on this so much!

The second I picked out is Huckleberry Finn. I just like that Travis, Mica and I have all read it. The movie industry loves to remake things, why don't they remake Huckleberry Finn? Bring it back!

The third I picked out is Frankenstein. It's just creepy cool. I had both boys be Little Frankie for Halloween when they were itty bitty.

What book would you like to see turned into a shirt or bag? 

Still working on your holiday shopping? Buy something for your reader at Literary Book Gifts. Take 20% off with this code: AnApelaDay20

Disclaimer: I did not receive anything for writing this post. Please use the code AnApelaDay20 to get something from their site.


  1. Mariah has always been big on reading too. She's also a huge Peter Pan fan, so I bet she'd love that tote bag.

  2. Those are great. I love Alice. I am a huge reader, always have been. I don't get to sit and soak in a good book though much anymore.


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