Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Is it Christopher Walken?

We were walking through Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska and all the sudden I saw this piece:

I said to Travis, "If anyone were to play the roll of this painted guy it would have to be a slightly younger Christoper Walken. Do you think he could play the roll of the painted guy above?

I can't help, but to think Christoper Walken, or Robert Wagner had something to do with Natalie Wood's death. One of them knows something. I think there was only 4 people on that boat when she died. The only remaining person is the one driving the boat. 

The fact that Christoper Walken typically plays a freaky role makes me suspicious of him. Let's put it this way...I wouldn't want to be in a dark ally with the guy. Does he give you the creeps? 


  1. He does give off a creepy vibe, but I actually like him. Jason is obsessed with his SNL cowbell stint lol

  2. @Theresa I think he's a great actor really.


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