Friday, March 1, 2019

Random Tid Bits

  1. I reviewed a game. It took up 3 times to play before we got it. In the process Mica and Isaak argued a lot. Certainly not as smooth of a review as I was hoping for. 

  2. Isaak had Doctor Seuss things he was supposed to do all week. Has he done any of them? Nope. I think he's ready for Spring Break already. 

  3. I'm heading out to Mica's school to honor him for getting first place in the Science Fair. He should be honoring us for helping him. Ha! I skipped the event last year because of class. This year I was determined to go. I found someone to cover for me. Then it snowed. The event date changed to a different day I have a different class. The same person is covering for me. When they schedule things during the day it's a mess.

  4. We still don't know where Isaak's going to middle school at. We filled out the paperwork, but haven't heard back.

  5. The streets are FINALLY getting cleared of snow. It was a mess this last snow!


  1. Time is flying.... Savannah starts prek this upcoming year:(
    Jealous of the snow... we never got a winter here. 62 one day... 77 the next.

  2. That's lovely that they are having you honor him for his win!

    Our snow is gone, but we're supposed to get another cold snap this coming week. Yuck!

    I hope Isaak goes to a good middle school. I am ready to go pull Allison from high school and home school her. Just this past month or so:

    1 major fight where 20 or so police had to come. 5 kids arrested.
    4 more fights in 1 day.
    1 heroin overdose
    and today we learned the school is infested with bedbugs. Ugh!

  3. Oh my God Theresa! All that stuff is horrible!

  4. I'm glad he won, and glad you got coverage to go. It is hard to go to daytime event for the kids. I struggle with that too (even when they're grown!). It's hard for me to get to the dr. w/my daughter because of my job.


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