Tuesday, April 30, 2019

WW: Flirt {Linky}

These flowers looked like they were almost kissing.

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  1. They do! They're happy spring has arrived!

  2. Haha! yes they do nice capture and close up :-)

    Have a bloomingtastic week :-)

  3. So very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  4. I just planted daffodils that look just like those... I mean not kissin' or nothin', but you know... hahahahahaha Now look we'll have none of that goin on around here!!! bwahahaha Thanks for sharing!

  5. They certainly do. Beautiful capture, A!

  6. They do! I always love those flowers in the spring. They remind me of Alice in Wonderland for some reason.

  7. Okay, that is a very cute picture. Beautiful flowers too of course. But funny, esp with the caption

  8. Love this pic. It makes me miss all of our flowers in Atlanta! I bought some flowers here, but they died.. it is just SO FREAKING HOT right now.


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