Tuesday, June 4, 2019

First Camp - Mini Health Sciences Camp

Mica's at his first camp this week. It's through school, but mostly at Creighton University and one day at Bergan Mercy Hospital. 

Creighton University's Ceiling is amazing!

The best thing about this camp is that it's free! Because he got into The Health Care Academy in middle school, he has to participate in the Mini Health Sciences Camp. I'm not saying that in a negative way. I'm glad.

The worst thing lately is that we realized before camp yesterday that Mica grew so much in the last month, that his shorts are too short and tight. It's like I need to go buy him a whole new wardrobe on his bottom half. I'm not kidding. I got him all new shorts right before Easter. He's as tall as the clock now. I have trouble touching the top of the clock.

Camp Schedule:


They started out with a debriefing. A panel of different students were up front giving advice on high school and college life. That included how to get in. 

They dissected sheep eyes. Crazy! Mica doesn't like to touch raw meat in the kitchen. I would have loved to of been a fly on that wall. 

A Tour of Creighton Campus


Occupational Therapy 

Lab Work

Pharmacy Activity

Health Living


Another Tour of a Different Area of the Campus

Physical Therapy 


A Tour of Bergan Mercy Hospital 


Pharmacology Research and Tour

Healthy Living Again

Effects of Drugs of People


He got a shirt, bag, and water bottle, for the camp. 


Have you noticed a trend in the medical field, or coding where it's mostly girls? There are 10 girls in Mini Health Sciences Camp, and only 4 or 5 boys. 

I noticed that being a teacher for web, where there's coding there's way more girls than boys. It didn't used to be that way. A lot of places are pushing coding for girls, and not pushing coding for boys at all. Just something I observed. 


  1. I hope he's enjoying the camp! I wish we had something like that here. I have been having a really hard time finding activities for the girls to do this summer. It seems our community doesn't have much planned this year, and it's such a shame!

  2. Wow, that camp is really interesting! And omg, he's growing up incredibly fast!


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