Saturday, July 6, 2019

Silverware Set Review

I got this Silverware Set to review. I was excited to review it because our silverware is looking kind of old. I don't know that I love the design of our old set.

The new design is really pretty cool! I like the thin handles. It just looks different. 

What it Comes With:

1 steak knife
1 spoon,
1 pasta fork
1 coffee spoon

I’d love it if there was just 2 spoons or 2 forks, and not a coffee spoon. It’s so small. I don’t know if we’ll use it. Travis handed Isaak the coffee spoon to eat his Potato Salad. That's not really what it's meant for, but he said, "What is this a baby spoon?" LOL!

When I first read the review I saw that it is a 4-piece set. I read that as it having 4 knives, 4 spoons, and 4 forks. You can imagine how I was surprised that it had only 4 things in the set. I'd have it be a little more money, and add more duplicated to the set.


$11.74 on Amazon Prime


It's made out of stainless steel. It washes safe in the dishwasher. I did notice that you have to put it in upside down to prevent the handles falling through the mesh dishwasher cubby. Black tableware surface mirror polished, no dirt, easy to oxidize, easy to clean. Every detail of the head is carefully treated and the smooth edges won't hurt your mouth. The forked cut is specially polished.


I made brats, potato salad, cut up radishes and peaches.

Are you happy with your silverware? 


  1. My sister in law bought me a silverware set. I had two of each item (there are only two of us here) and she couldn't stand it, lol. That was when we first moved in here. :) I like that your set comes with a steak knife!

  2. I don't think anyone here would like the thin handles of these, but I do like how modern they look. I'd be rather disappointed with the small coffee spoon as that would be one piece that wouldn't get used here. Overall, I am happy with my silverware but need to order more since it seems like we are always out of spoons or forks.

  3. I have 2 from my mom and one I bought in Lenox. I'm pretty happy with what I have now..


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