Saturday, August 17, 2019

Do You Stop and Chat?

A few weeks ago I was out and about with the boys. They were in a pick on each other mood!

I went to check out. There's a lady I used to work with. I had her son as a student. I said, "Hi" to her a couple times. I even called her by her name one of those times. She just kept about her business. She wouldn't snub me, just didn't hear me.

I said to the boys, "Come on, let's go over here."

Mica said, "Why Mom? Do you know that lady?"

I said, "Yes I used to work with her."

He said, "Do you not like her?"

I said, "I like her just fine. She didn't hear me, you two keep on fighting, and I don't feel like talking."

He said, "Oh! You're pulling a Larry David...You don't want to Stop and Chat."

I said, "I guess so."

Do you find Stop and Chat to be awkward at times? I don't always like to Stop and Chat when I'm with the boys, but if I'm buy myself, I'm cool with it. 


  1. Sometimes I don't mind stopping and chatting, especially if it isn't someone I've seen in a while. However, if I'm in a rush or it's just someone that I don't feel like getting sucked into a long conversation with, I'll go out of my way to make sure they don't see me so I can make a quick exit without the forced pleasantries.

  2. Interesting question. I guess I'm 50/50. Sometimes yeah, sometime nope, see ya! :)

  3. haha. That is SO me. I hate doing a "stop and chat". It always feels so awkward.


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