Thursday, August 1, 2019

Ultra Man Care - Premium Prostate Supplement Review

I've actually reviewed Ultra Man Care - Premium Prostate Supplement before, and thought this was a different brand. Nope! It's the same brand made by Zen Naturally. That's not a negative thing. It's worked well. I really think with pills it's hard to tell if they make a difference, if you haven't been on them for awhile.


1. Increase Urine Flow - Saw Palmetto enhanced complex blend comes with both powders and extracts, vitamins & minerals to provide maximum benefits.

My husband has talked to the doctor about this. It's very common for urine flow to not be as steady for men as they get older.

2. It Helps Men to Get More Sleep and Stop Waking Up Every Night - Minimizes or Stops those frustrating nightly bathroom trips that wake you up.

My husband doesn't really have a problem getting up. If anyone, it's me and Isaak that get up. I drink a ton throughout the day. I'm supposed to because people with allergies and asthma need to. I wake up a lot to go to the bathroom. Isaak's just not as good of a sleeper, since last school year.

3. Spend Time Doing What You Love - Enjoy time with family and friends or doing activities that you love. Outdoors here you come! Movies no problem. Don’t miss the conversation over dinner or drinks because you need to find a bathroom all the time.

Again no problems needing to go all the time.

4. Perfect Gift for the Man in Your Life - There is no better gift in life than your health. Help him stay as healthy as possible. Safely Support Prostate Health with our 30 herb Premium Blend Prostate Supplements for men!

I don't think Travis agrees. When he saw that I had another bottle...He's like, "Really!?" But I do care about him.

5. Healthier Hair - An extract of saw palmetto may block 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. DHT is the molecule responsible for hair loss and also is involved in the enlargement of the prostate.

Travis' hair seems fine. He was blessed with no one in his family loosing it very young. Knock on wood!

Where to Get it:

You can get it on Amazon for $15.99 $15.19:


The bottle came protected. It had a sealed plastic wrap that went over the cap. There was a foam cover on the inside. It was in a bubble wrap envelope.

On Amazon it does show a box. I do think that should come off the Amazon picture. Both times I've gotten this there was no box. I'm glad because I don't feel like there needs to be one.

There does seem to be ample room in the container for more pills, or they could package it in a smaller container.

The pills are standard sized, and easy to take.

Do you take any pills regularly? 

Disclaimer: I got this product for free or a discounted price in order to help with this review. All opinions are my own. 

1 comment:

  1. Jason bought some a few months back (not this brand) and it seemed to help with flow for a few weeks, but then he went back to having his same issues. I think his blood pressure meds mess with his urination and it's hard for him to get on track while he has to take them.


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