Friday, September 27, 2019

Random Tid Bits

  1. I said, "Mica we get to hang out with just you tomorrow." We were going to House Of Conundrum | Puzzling Omaha Escape Rooms‎. Isaak had soccer practice + homework, so he stayed behind. Mica said, "About that. Maybe you and Dad can just be quiet the whole time." I laughed and said, "Really? I know I'm goofy, but what does Dad do?" Mica, "He points out girls that are cute." I said, "Ok when he does that I'll just let out a big FART to distract the situation. Ok?" He walked away with his head down. 

  2. Later on at the House Of Conundrum | Puzzling Omaha Escape Rooms a fellow Mom sat next to me. I noticed she wasn't by her middle schooler. I said something and Mica shot me a look to shut up. I said to the Mom, "I can't say anything without getting looks from my middle schooler." She said back, "I can't even look at my middle schooler." Win for me I suppose. 

  3. I like to do many things at once. I know some say, When you try to multitask you never are great at each thing. What are your thoughts on this? I feel like I put all I can in what it is I'm doing, for each thing. 

  4. I've played James Victore's audio book called Feck Perfuction in both my first year and third year classes. It's a really good book about following your own dreams, goals, keep the weirdness that you had as a kid present in your work, building a better version of yourself, sacrifice and more. It's design driven, so goes well with all we do at a design school. James Victore has such great advice, I've listened to the book three times. Once on my own, and two other times in the classes I have. I went to play it, and a student said, "Can you turn that down? I can't concentrate. It's too distracting." I wanted to say back, "Listen and you'll learn! Can you be quiet, so I can hear it. Your talking is a bit distracting." I bit my tongue, turned it down, and when the air conditioner piped up I may have turned it up a notch up. 

  5. Admin: Write students up if you know there's going to be a problem. Then maybe we can help them, and save them. 

  6. Co-worker and Boss: We usually don't do that until midterm. Otherwise you're waisting your time.

    Me: I guess I'll email the Director to figure out what she thinks. I'm always in the middle. I don't like being looked at badly, for doing my job - communicating with students.


  1. I remember those days when everything parents did was met with an eye roll or something similar.

    I think the ability to multitask is totally dependent on who's doing it. I'm not that great at it but some people are.

  2. My girls have just accepted the fact that we are going to be loud, annoying, and attention grabbing when we go out in public. Thankfully, they get a good laugh about our antics.

    I am a horrible multi-tasker. Ihave to focus on one thing at a time, otherwise I get distracted and nothing gets done.

  3. I can top the admin thing, we were told NOT to write up students, not to give referrals and never to give F's. IN FACT, we have been told these multiple times, including today in a 45-minute meeting. Because passing kids who don't 'get it' is going to help them (rolling my eyes).

    I can multi-task. I don't feel it takes away from one or the other. :)


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