Tuesday, October 29, 2019

WW: Road Kill Pizza {Linky}

We were at Subway, and I spotted this pizza in the parking lot outside. It was both gross, and funny as hell!

I decided to give it better looking cheese and pepperoni. 

Then I decided to make the pepperoni tops of mushrooms, and then this little village slowly took place.


  1. I love it all decked out for fairy land! Too funny!

  2. There's a story here. Wonder what happened. I'm sure it was an accident. Not one tosses good pizza.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. That little door reminds me of the work by Mows. Love it.

  4. The pizza looks ewww. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  5. What evil person would waste such a perfectly good slice of pizza!?

    Love your creative take on its untimely demise :)

  6. Poor pizza! Glad you turned it into an enchanting village.

    Happy Weds,A!

  7. HEY I showed this to my husband and I thought he was gonna cry. You see he's the original pizza man. I think one day he may turn into a pizza! hahahaha HAPPY HALLOWEEN & BE SAFE!

  8. I showed this to my husband because you see we call him "The original Pizza Man" and I'm tellin' ya he almost cried! hahahaha HAPPY HALLOWEEN & STAY SAFE!

  9. LOL that made me smile and I loved the treatment and kindness you showed for an abandoned pizza :-)

    Have a pizzatastic halloween and WW! :-)

  10. Haha you have a very creative mind for sure!


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