Tuesday, February 11, 2020

WW: Poetry Slam {Linky}

I've had this photo on my desktop for awhile, and never posted it. Isaak has been super into Poetry Slam. He's the only boy in it. His teacher said, "Some of the best poets are males." He enjoys it. He was picked to go to a field trip, that had speakers, and groups where college students worked with the middle school students. When I saw that our local library had a Poetry Slam Contest, I signed Isaak up.

I asked my husband why Isaak didn't have his coat off? He said, "That's just who Isaak is." Truth be told Isaak typically tries to wear his coat everywhere. Mica barely wears his.

Travis said he is a great public speaker. He was the youngest poet. He didn't win, but I'm glad he put forth the effort.


  1. I'm so impressed that he did it in spite of being the youngest. That is really cool!

  2. Nice post and well done to Isaak he seems so enthusiastic and brave getting up in front of everyone he's still a winner ;-)

    Have a potrytastic week :-)

  3. Good gfor him for getting up there and trying it. I am a horrible public speaker, so I'd totally fail at a poetry slam.

  4. Your son is a great public speaker because he believes in what he wrote. He had something to say from the heart so he said it with or without his coat MOM! haha Just teasin' ya mom! Been there done that. I raised 2 boys. haha Have a great son there girlfriend.

  5. Kudos to Isaak! He's a great kid.

    Happy Thursday, A!

  6. It's really awesome that he has something he's passionate about! As for the coat, I wore mine everywhere, all the time at his age, too :)

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  7. Good for him! Sounds like he's found a passion.

  8. That's awesome that he got up there and did it! Kudos!

  9. So very cool. That takes tons of courage.


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