Tuesday, April 21, 2020

WW: Oreos or Blacktop? {Linky}

Whenever I see a crushed up blacktop think it looks like crushed up Oreos. I'm like, "Dang I'm hungry! Not so much that I want to go to the store just for Oreos, in this pandemic though." Does a crushed up blacktop look like crushed up Oreos to you?

They need to be a little more crushed up, but you get the point.


  1. I get what you mean Alissa but No lmao but I do like Oreo's heheh!

    Have a crushedoreotastic week and stay safe 😷😷😷

  2. What do you do with the crushed up Oreos? Do you just eat them like that??

  3. It so does. Wow. I never thought of it. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a good week and hope that you and your family stay healthy and safe.

  4. @Lydia C. Lee I'd seen crushed up Oreos used for pie crusts, and I've used bigger chunks to put on cakes. Oh it's so good!

  5. I will never look at a busted blacktop the same way again! LOL

  6. It certainly does! It looks like dirt too!

    Happy Wednesday, A!

  7. Mmm, Oreos. I heard a song all about Oreos yesterday and now I must have them. And I know where an unopened package is stashed.

  8. Yep, it does look like crushed up Oreos. I never thought of that before!


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