Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dear Isaak,

You just turned 12 today! Happy Birthday little man!

For Your Birthday You Got: 

Stratego - a board game

Some artsy markers

A room makeover, which was a lot of work! See pictures below! We went with triangles!

 I painted the base coat over the tape to prevent it from bleeding through:

You helped label what triangles were going to be what colors:

We mixed our own tints, to give variety without having to buy more paint. Tape tear off reveal:

All day yesterday you worked on putting your room back in order:

 I'm thinking about making 3 of these (the colors of his room) to go on the blue wall:

You've been acting 12, for a few months now. I remember when Mica was about that age.

Things You Like:

To Draw: Muscle men mostly | You got the Art Award in Beveridge Magnet Middle School

To Talk: You are a talker, sometimes I need a mental peace and quiet break and have Mica and you go for walks | You love to talk on the phone to your girl friends

YouTube: You like to watch prank and art videos

Movies: You've always liked action and superhero movies, but I'm noticing you like romantic comedies sometimes too

Shows: In particular you love that new show on Amazon called Upload, and if Chris Harrison is on with some cheesy Bachelor type show you are glued to the TV

Food: Pizza and Tacos

Pet: You got his first pet this year named Sunny, he's a Leopard Gecko

Piano: An instrument you picked up just this year | We got you lessons, then COVID-19 happened | You got the Piano Award in Beveridge Magnet Middle School

Things You Don't Like:

Chores of any kind, for the most part - Does any 12 year old like to do chores?

Being cold, you wear your heavy duty robe around the house, and coat around when you were in school

You say that you don't like school, but you were really sad when you found out that school wasn't happening for the rest of the year

COVID 19 is messing up everyone's daily routine | We won't do a lot of celebrating because of this! We do plan on having Pizza Hut pizza, and playing games

When people act like jerks

Your hair getting longer, and in those eyes

Overall you are sensitive to other's feelings. You are creative, innovative, charming, and a great son to have!




  1. Happy Birthday Isaak! You are getting so big (I know, not a cool thing to hear when you are 12 lol)

    Allison is a talker too. Sometimes I also need a mental break from her constant chatting. I should give Isaak her number and they can chat each other's ears off for a change LOL

  2. Happy Birthday to Isaak! He seems like a great kid to me and I can't blame him about the chores. His room is looking great!

  3. A very Happy Birthday to Isaak 🎂 🎈

    What a fun post he is growing into a fine young boy fast heheh!

    His room looks brilliant good work

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

  4. Happy Birthday to Isaak! He is looking very handsome!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY! How awesome is that room huh bud? My son would've died for a room like yours when he was that age. I was working all the time so I never had time to do such things & being a single parent & 4 kids... well you know, but anyway you're one lucky little buy & what is that pet? Oh boy I'm sure my boys would've loved one of those too! I think you have a pretty great mom there my friend. I'd give her a hug if I were you! Well, have a great birthday! Good luck Mom!!! Looks like ya got a pretty great kid there. Have a great day. Be healthy & be safe! Thank you for the kind words. It's good to have friends in times like these. hugs

  6. Happy Birthday to Isaak. His room looks to cool.

  7. Happy Birthday to him!! The room looks great. Really nice! How did you get the image in the mirror with him looking at you and his image looking at the glass? Or is that his brother with the same sweatshirt? I'm with him on cold. I don't like it either!

  8. How his birthday was perfect!!! Love the room!!!


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