Friday, June 26, 2020

Random Tid Bits

It's been a few weeks, since I've done one of these. I haven't forgotten. Just busy filling out job applications. They take so long to do.

  1. Mica's been a cheerleader for me lately. He said, "Mom you'll find a job. You're a hard worker and smart." Then he said, "Mom I know you're having a frustrating day, but for every bad day two good days are to follow."
  2. I hardly get photos of the kids now a days. When I do, they are like this:

    That's why I take more photos of our gecko Sunny, than the kids.
  3. On Monday I start working at Fresh Thyme as a front end supervisor. I'm still open for where life takes me. I have tons of applications floating around out there. They offered me the position the same day as I interviewed with them. The schedule is so different from what I'm used to. The pay is less, but they have benefits that I didn't have before. I had two other interviews I'm super excited about, so I hope one of those comes through. In the middle of a pandemic I felt the need to take what I can, within reason. Fresh Thyme is super clean, and the people are nice. Retail it is, for now. I don't know how much I'll post about jobs. One never knows who reads what.
  4. One application I took the longest on, I knew I'd be a great fit for. Deep questions, with equally deep answers. They sent my references long forms to fill out about me. They said to keep checking my spam folder for updates, which I have. I've been looking, since 6/11. Growing tired of checking, I called. It seems like so many places don't want you to call now a days. I left 2 messages, only to find out the decision person was on vacation. I looked her up on LinkedIn, and she looked 12. I got the denial email yesterday. It sucks that they didn't even call me in for an interview. Oh well. I guess I should be happy I got the automated rejection email. That's more than other companies deliver.
  5. Travis and I talked about rules. The boys at school, and at their leadership camp had silly rules put in place. One, or a few children would get in trouble, they would discipline them all. Isaak had a really rough year in 5th grade! They never got recess because a few select kids. The boys grew tired of that. Sure sometimes Isaak's chatty, but overall our boys are good. My last place of employment said we couldn't listen to music, while we worked. It was all because the owner's brother listened to Rush Limbaugh really loud. Later a rule was made that no family member(s) could come in the office. Why? Because the same brother was letting his family in to use the school's equipment on Saturdays, and would have them there to socialize all day on work days. Instead of talking to the one that's the problem, they made rules. It put employee against employee. I liked my job overall. I think jobs are very similar to family members, you can't like them 100% of the time. What's a rule you dislike?


  1. OMG Now this boy must know my boys because that's all I use to get from them was funny faces when I took pics. bwahahaha I don't care! You tell your son I still think he's quite handsome. I hope we're still friends in about five to maybe eight yrs. So I can see him when he's a young man. I truly believe he's going to be quite handsome & you my friend are going to have your hands full with the girly girls. Here's a funny short story: When my eldest son got to high school & I think he was a junior or maybe senior he was very popular with the girls & one day he was out on the porch talking with a girl and there was one in the basement waiting for him & she was picking up his room (I was doing laundry), and I went upstairs & the phone rang & I looked out the window he was still out there with the other girl, and I picked up the phone & it was a girl who wanted to talk with my eldest son Tony! We still laugh about that day when it's brought up. One on the front porch, one in the basement & one on the phone... and then the front door bell rang & I yelled for my son & made him answer it & yes, it was another girl! bwahahahaha I never let him forget that day... it was too funny!!! See what you got to look forward too Mama!!! hahahaha Ahhhhhhh GOOD TIMES! He's married now & 2 children & his son is in boot camp in San Diego in the Marines. Oh boy, all the JOYS of being a MOM! Have a great weekend! hugs

  2. It's good to have a great relationship with your boys. Fortunately, I also had a good relationship with my boys and my girls. We were buds when we needed to be and mother & son when we needed to be if you catch my drift!

  3. I have the girls well trained on how they are supposed to act for photos. They automatically assume the position and can almost sense when I see a good spot for pics, they'll automatically start heading that way without me saying anything LOL. Apparently I am very bossy when it comes to pics.

    I love Fresh Thyme. It is one of the cleanest markets we've ever shopped in and I love how they stack their produce. I hope you like working there!

    I hate it when a few ruin it for all. Allison had a lot of complaints about kids ruining things for her last school year. She's a stickler for rules and hates that she does the right thing and still gets punished when the bad kids act up. I think that's why she's loving this online schooling this year.

  4. Mica is a wise old soul!

    As they grow older, it's a challenge to get them behind the camera!

    Happy Sunday, A!

  5. all the best Alissa... and just like your boys, I do have so many funny faces (which for me are not that funny) whenever we want to take pictures. Btw, I do enjoy Sunny's photos on your IG :)

  6. Ha ha. I hate trying to get oica of my kids these days. Savannah still tries some times... but Broxton always makes silly faces.
    Good luck with the job.

  7. My kids are the same way with the camera, usually. Best of luck with your new job and future endeavors.

  8. Hope your boys have a better school year and will say a prayer that you find a job you like! Teresa from NanaHood

  9. I don't like that you can't take your kids into the after school meetings you are required to go to, so they have to sit in the band room together (outside of the meetings). I'd rather have mine with me. I understand they don't want them to hear some things since they are students there, but it's still a rule I don't like

    Congratulations on getting the job!!


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