Sunday, August 30, 2020

Protect Your Eyes When Going #backtoschool

Everything with remote learning is going fairly smoothly. I was expecting some major bumps. There was only a few slight issues.&n

The boy’s school district got new iPads, for all the students. The trouble was that they didn’t come in until after school started. That was in general a hiccup. Some in our area have had problems with internet connection, but not us. 

I do worry about the boys being on screens all day long. I know others have jobs, where they are on their computer all day. It is important to protect ones eyes. 

Thankfully a company sent me a pair of glasses, to block harmful screen light. You can get these glasses on Amazon:, for $15.99. They do go on sale a lot. 

Mica was happy to get them! Isaak’s regular glasses came with a feature to block harmful light, so he uses them, when he is on a screen. 

I remember my students wearing theirs. They always had really funky colored lenses. These aren’t that noticeable, unless they are sitting alone on a table. 

I typically me “crazy”, that people turn on their smart thinking cap, when they put on glasses. The boys also have special spots, where they do their studies. 

Have you tried special glasses, when you’re on a screen a lot? If so did it seem to help? Have you gotten anything new, for back to school time? We haven’t gotten very much at all. 

Disclaimer: I got this product, for a discounted price. All opinions are my own. 


  1. He looks so dang grown up in his new glasses. Very smart! Allison has a special coating on her glasses that block out those harmful screen lights. I think it's important to have eye protection when we are looking at our screens for so much of the day!

  2. I think everyone should consider those who has a lot of screen time!! Glad you're not having internet issues! Schools do seem to be going through a lot of trial and error.


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