Sunday, October 4, 2020

A New Cut #haircut

We have back to school part two. So far the boys have been strictly virtual learning. Now they are starting to go back part time. Isaak starts tomorrow, and Mica will start in a few weeks. 

I'm sort of nervous, but it is what it is. Mainly nervous because Nebraska's cases keep going up. Another part of me is long should be halt life? This whole pandemic has been tug of war in my brain, since it started. 

As it is, my oldest two nephews had to take COVID tests recently. Do they have it? They haven't gotten the results back. Now my oldest sister has whatever my nephew has. It's horrible to not know if something is allergies, a cold, or COVID. 

My youngest sister never has her kids go anywhere. They are more like mine. Home bodies. I don't blame them - having two kids with special needs. One being a brand new baby. 

There's talk about our boy's district going back to online learning only, with the cases on the rise. So far it's a go. 

Isaak's hair was looking pretty shaggy. I don't mind shag, but he hates it.

HavenJanny Hair Clippers:

Luckily I got a clipper set to review. less place to go. Travis isn't bad at cutting hair, but he dropped his last cutter, so it was totally not working. 

First off the set had a lot of extras, which was nice. BUT they only had a few blades. Travis is used to more. Blade from his other set fit though. YAY! If you want a lot of blade options there isn't a lot in this set.

There were English and Chinese directions, but the English seemed broken up.

It came charged at 100%, but to be honest it kept shorting out. It was pretty much useless, due to the shorting out. A motor has to work. YO! One positive was quiet. Travis is used to a noisy clipper. 

Where to get it:

Isaak was super excited about his hair. He would have wanted some major fancy lines put in it. Travis was like, "Um no. I'm just not doing all that." For a pandemic cut, it looks just fine. 

Have you gone to get your haircut, since the pandemic started? I haven't. 

Disclaimer: I got this product, for a discount to help with this review. All opinions are mine. 


  1. I usually have Jason trim my split ends. I haven't had a proper hair cut since last summer! I cut maybe quarter of an inch off Allison's butt length hair and she ran around crying that I made her bald. *eye rolls*. Teen girls are so dramatic! These do look like nice clippers. If I had a boy, I'd totally use them, especially now. Jason is bald, so he's pretty easy to take care of LOL!

  2. My son had long hair before school started. He got it cut. It's starting to get a little shaggy again already. He doesn't want to get a haircut. My son is running around right now loudly complaining because his friend beat him on a video game. I'm shhhhin'g him, but he's being dramatic, so I'll add to Theresa's note and say teen boys can be so dramatic too. ;) Sorry the clippers weren't so great!! The haircut looks nice though.

  3. I need one myself indeed! I have cut my hair short for the last 6 years and my hubby is usually helping me. This will be very handy .. As for my boy, we take him to the barber to reduce the drama LOL

  4. This would really come in handy during lockdown. We were looking for something like this during those quarantine months when my hubby and boys had to cut their own hair.


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