Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Keeping #Warm With Mozy

We have now had our first snow this fall in Omaha, Nebraska a few days ago. Has it snowed where you live? 

When snow happens, it means it's time to bundle up! 

The day before it snowed was colder than the day it snowed. That's when I took the boys out for a photo shoot. Bur...what was I thinking?! 

I pulled out our new Mozy. At first I thought I'd give this to Mica, but we've been sharing it. 

What is a Mozy? You might be asking. It's like a thick warm blanket for the lower part of your body.

You can use a Mozy whenever you feel like it, but I have specific uses in mind. 

  • You can use a Mozy for soccer, football, and other games. I know sports are limited right now, but there are some going on. If you are sitting in the stands, mask on, freezing your butt off, a Mozy will help. I've always hated how they make many coats for your upper torso, but no coat for your lower body. Snow pants are hard to put on, and take off because they have to go on before your big heavy shoes or boots do. 

  • You can use a Mozy for a bonfire, or drum circle. I just added the drum circle in there because we used to have one often at Kansas City Art Institute. Maybe it's an artist thing. My friend that just moved to Florida said they have them often right down the street from where she lives. 

  • You can use a Mozy for fishing, or hunting. With fishing there's a lot of sitting around, so a Mozy would be helpful. I think it would be great with deer hunting as well. 

  • Elementary teachers or Aids can use a Mozy at recess time, or when they are waiting for caregivers to pick up their children at the end of the day. They even have pockets in the front for hand sanitizer, pens, pencils, and more.

  • Leave a Mozy in the car for trips, or if you get stranded. I typically have a blanket in the car for just in case needs. Having a Mozy stay in the car would be equally, or better than a blanket to have. 

  • People can use a Mozy for the bus stop. They can wear them around their legs, and turn around and use them like a blanket inside the bus. Mica has a ways to walk to get to the bus stop. Knock on wood he's had very little waiting time. I was worried about bus communication with 3 days in school, and 2 days off. 

  • People can use a Mozy in the morning, for the car. In the mornings Isaak's always cold. He hates taking a coat, that he has to lug around school. They can't use lockers right now, with COVID on the scene. Instead of a coat I encouraged him to grab the Mozy. Isaak's been dressing in layers on his top. He thought he invented dressing in layers. I said, "No son. People have been dressing in layers, for years!" It's harder to dress in layers, for the lower part of your body. Mozy makes layering easy!
They say on their site that a Mozy is easy to walk in. I found it feeling a bit like my legs were hugged. It's not as easy to walk in as I thought it would be. 

How to use a Mozy:

They have a fun diagram on how to use one on the box. I love it, because I'm a visual person. It was much easier to put on then snow pants! 

Easy peasy to put on!

Get it on too tight? It's adjustable.

Unlike snow pants, you can take a Mozy off and put it back on with ease! It's not heavy to carry around. The inside is a heavy fleece, and the outside is a waterproof material. 

  • Mozy Mini (small) 16" - 26"
  • Mozy Mid (medium) 27" - 45"
  • Mozy More (large) 46"


When you buy a Mozy they have a patch on it. Ever since I was in Girl Scouts, and then again when my boys attended Lowe's Clinic I dig patches! They will ofter more patches. It looks like they are working on that, on their site.

You can get the Mozy here:, or on Amazon. Their site uses google pay, shop pay, and PayPal. The cost for a Mozy is $99. Think of it as a cost similar to a warm coat. 

It would be great to get someone for Christmas!

If you had a Mozy what would you use it for?

Disclaimer: I got this product for free, in exchange of my honest opinion. Mozy did not tell me what to say. 


  1. I probably wouldn't know what to do with it in our hot and humid climate where temps are usually in the 90s!

  2. I would leave it in Jason's car. He's always hot. I am always cold. This would keep me warm while he's blasting the air or has the windows down when it's chilly out.


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