Thursday, November 12, 2020

Glee Sweet Tarts Giveaway!

Please go to my instagram page, and enter to win for Glee Tarts

Mica likes them. They'd be great in a stocking stuffer. 

They didn't send me much, then told me I could send my winner 1/2 of what they sent me, which is like 1 box. Ha! I remember getting stuff from them before, and they sent a kit + gum on top of that. I think all companies are struggling with this pandemic. 

For some reason the post wasn't showing up on my computer, but then it did on my phone. I've been struggling with it. 

Disclaimer: I did get this product for review. You can read the review on instagram. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. They do look yummy. Too bad they didn't send much. I stopped working with most companies this year. It takes too long to type a post, photo, edit photos and promote a post for $5 worth of product. Most companies get offended if I tell them I want a minimum of $50 in product, but it took me years to build my audience + the time it takes as mentioned above. I like to think I'm worth more (as are many bloggers) than a few dollars worth of product.


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