Friday, September 10, 2010

Buzz Lightyear to the Resuce

  • Mica was excited to get his costume in the mail today! 
  • We had to order it online. Toys R Us said that we probably wouldn't see it in the stores at all because Buzz is the HOT costume of the year. 
  • It used to be that people fought in the lines at the stores for a Cabbage Patch Kid. Now the HOT items don't even get to the store to fight over.
  • Mica wanted his costume to stay on. I said, "No. Not while eating dinner." He said, "Everyone will be excited to see me Mom." Act excited to see him friends and relatives.
  • Here's Mica, or shall I say Buzz Lightyear:

1 comment:

  1. Im your newest follow friday follower! Buzz is so adorable!!

    Off to look around your blog!



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