Saturday, September 11, 2010

Isaak Peed on Mica's Homework!

  • I thought in my mind, Isaak's done really well with going potty lately!  He's been telling me when he has to go.
  • Today both boys wouldn't nap, which leads to naughty boys! Isaak was in his room for a long time just talking. Mica was grumpy, but wouldn't sleep. He is in the process of outgrowing naps. Daddy got home and took the boys outside to run. 
  • I went into the living room and stepped in a pile of pee. I looked down, and the paper I filled out with Mica for preschool was sitting in the puddle. I had it up on the coffee table, but somehow it ended up on the ground.
  • That should be interesting to ask the teachers for a new paper to fill out!
  • It will sound sort of like, "My dog ate my homework!" Only this excuse is, "My son peed on his brother's homework!" 
  • For the record I actually did have a student who showed me an art project that had bite marks in it from her dog! 
  • Her dog really did eat her homework.


  1. Tooooo funny! Let me know what his teacher says.

    I can totally see that a dog could eat homework,,, especially art.


    Thanks for the laugh.


  2. Update. Daddy didn't tell Mica's teacher about the potty accident. He just said that Mica's homework got destroyed by his brother, and asked if he could have a new one.

    I totally would of spilled the beans.


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