Monday, August 22, 2011

Building Mania

All day on Saturday Mica was very tuned into putting together his new Lego toys. Daddy mentioned that Mica should wait to put together Lightning McQueen. Mica didn't want to wait. Things were really quit in his room, and he had this much built:

We were all pretty impressed with how far he got on his own! :)
 That is until he got close to the end. Daddy noticed that Mica missed some major steps. Mica was sleepy. They had to wreck what Mica had built and started all over again. :(


  1. i used to play with the building block game, i don't know what it's called but it used to be fun :) these days they got all kinds toys...even the transformers...

  2. My son loves to build too. Legos are everywhere here! :O)

  3. Can't wait until my kids have that kind of focus and attention span. Mica did a great job, from what I can tell!

  4. Awesome! :)
    You know when the little ones are quiet, they are HARD at some kind of work!!
    Visiting from VB!
    Have a great week :)


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