Sunday, August 21, 2011

Three Year Old Conversation

I've noticed that Isaak's vocabulary has really expanded in the last few months!

Not only does he say more words, he wants to discuss things more.

Tonight I put Isaak to bed. He didn't really want to go. As I was laying him down he said, "Mommy let's talk!"

This sounded serious. I was ready for a simi deep conversation.

I said, "What do you want to talk about Isaak?"

He said, "Spit!"

I said, "Spit? What about spit?"

He said, "Do you spit Mommy?"

I said, "Ya. When I brush my teeth I spit. When I have yucky allergies I spit in a tissue."

He said, "Oh! Goodnight Mommy."

Funny kid!


  1. lol...that's kids...innocent and curious...:)

  2. awwwwwwwwwwww :) haha.....lets talk about spit :D

  3. Funny that he didn't need more answers than that!

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I would've ended the convo when you started talking spitting in a tissue too!!! Lol. Just kidding. Seriously funny dialoge.

  5. LOL so cute! This made me laugh.


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