Thursday, December 20, 2012

How Much Snow Did We Get?

We got 7 inches. It's windy, so power is out at many places. I heard it was out in our neighborhood. We're supposed to get more snow before Christmas.

Mica woke up at 4:30 AM saying, "You said we needed to wake up early." We should have just gotten up then. Daddy shoveled some of the driveway, but not all of it. We hauled our butts out of bed at 5:30.

Daddy scooped, while the boys and I got ready. I made breakfast: Oatmeal with flaxseed and powdered peanut butter, spinach and grapes. I got bacon for the boys. I needed coffee this morning! Daddy has Oatmeal Bread instead of Oatmeal. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he doesn't like hot cereal.

We carpooled across town and to work.

Mica was so excited to be at Grandma and Grandpa's! He picked out some holiday movies and they brought over Legos.

I got to work and the important meeting I was supposed to have, I was thinking, "Are we having it." No one was here, but the boss man and me.

Slowly people started trickling in. We're having it. Good! I would have taken the day off if I had know it was cancelled. It's not.

Two preschool programs were cancelled. Isaak's will still be given in January for one school. At least he didn't practice for nothing.


  1. I Wish we would get some snow! None last year at all!

  2. Yay that they are going to run the preschool program anyway!!

    We've got snow coming this way tonight too. At least it'll be the weekend. :)

  3. Oatmeal bread is good! I need to make some. And we really haven't gotten that much snow. It's actually strange, according to the natives.

  4. That's good news that they are still going to get to do the program. How disappointing it would be to learn all the songs then not get to sing them for the parents.

  5. so glad they are still doing the program ... is it the one you wrote the note to ask off for?
    yall be safe

  6. They are calling for over a foot here by Saturday. I'm looking forward to the snow, however not driving conditions, the cold and how windy it already is.

  7. Snow STINKS. At least you made it to the meeting and I am sure the boss appreciated that you made it in - even if it was just the two of you.


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